Project Types on the Offset Market
The types of projects able to sell offset credits on the offset market are defined by methodologies (also called protocols). Most of these are from these offset project registries: Climate Action Reserve, American Carbon Registry, Clean Development Mechanism, Verra, and California Air Resources Board.
The following list provides some sense of the wide range of project types generating carbon credits on the voluntary market, including a sampling of methodologies. A more comprehensive list of methodologies can be found at each registry’s website listed above.
- Building/home energy efficiency, including weatherization, refrigerators, air conditioners, solar water heating, household appliances, space heating, lighting and lighting controls (see CDM and Verra
- Carbon capture and storage [ACR]
- Cookstoves [improved stove efficiency] [switch from non-renewable biomass]
- Electricity generation
- Renewable energy generation (many protocols under the CDM including: CDM)
- Cogeneration
- Forests and land use
- Agriculture
- Forest
- Afforestation & reforestation [ACR][CAR][CAR Mexico][large-scale CDM][small-scale CDM]
- Avoided conversion/avoided deforestation [CAR][CAR Mexico]
- Sustainable forest management [ACR][CAR][CAR Mexico]
- Agroforestry [CAR Mexico]
- Southwestern decreased wildfire severity and forest conversion
- Urban forest management / tree planting in urban areas [CAR][CAR Mexico]
- Grasslands
- Livestock [CAR][CAR Mexico]
- Wetland restoration (several Verra protocols)
- Fuel switching (many protocols)
- Industrial efficiency in a range of industries, including cement, paper, brick manufacturing, data centers, and boilers (see CDM and Verra)
- Methane capture or reduction
- Mine methane capture [CAR][ACR]
- Landfill gas capture [ACR][CAR][CAR Mexico]
- Composting or digestion of organics or wastewater [CAR Digesting][CAR Composting]
- Other high potency GHGs include protocols for N2O, ozone-depleting substances and CF4s. Here’s a sample of available protocols for non-CO2 high potency GHGs..
- Reduction of N2O emissions generated as a byproduct of nitric acid production [CAR]
- Destruction of ozone depleting substances that would otherwise have been vented to the atmosphere [ACR] [CAR][CAR Mexico]
- CF4 emission reduction in a semiconductor manufacturing facility [CDM]
- Transportation
- Water